Today, the German gas transmission system operators (TSOs) presented their draft Gas Network Development Plan 2022-2032, which reflects the fundamental shift in Germany’s energy supply. The proposal is designed to facilitate the changes needed for the network to accommodate the new LNG supplies into Germany and Europe and allow greater use of western import routes while also reflecting reduced gas demand as well as efforts to switch to hydrogen with a view to making Germany fully independent of Russian gas.
Il CIB - Consorzio Italiano Biogas accoglie con soddisfazione l’inserimento nel DL Bollette, pubblicato oggi in Gazzetta Ufficiale, della misura che mitiga gli effetti delle fluttuazioni del caro energia sulla tassazione della produzione di biogas.
When today the MF Hydra is put into operation running on zero-emission hydrogen, this is groundbreaking in several ways. In addition to the major technology development, a great deal of work has also been done to develop rules and regulations to enable Norwegian passenger ships to run on hydrogen.
La sfida del nuovo Piano Nazionale di adattamento climatico?e?la Legge per il Clima:
l’approfondimento con le istituzioni, gli esperti e i politici alla Camera dei Deputati