LIF - Laboratorio Idraulica Fantoli

Milano (Milano)
Prove di tenuta, resistenza e determinazione di curve caratteristiche; misure di portata, progettazione e costruzione di modelli idraulici, taratura di misuratori di portata magnetici, ad ultrasuoni, a turbina, di flussimetri e contatori volumetrici.

Profilo d'impresa

LIF Laboratorio Idraulica Fantoli

The recearch group was created 10 years ago and is headed up by Stefano Malavasi, an associate professor who leads a young team of a post-doctoral research fellow, two research fellows and four doctoral students. The team combines two different approaches to conduct its research: experimental and numerical. The research interests of the FLUIDLAB group, focus primarily upon aspects covering fundamental fluid mechanics for civil and industrial applications, hydraulic structures and multiphase flows, particularly those related to cavitation and erosion.