BARTHAUER at the World Expo 2015

08 set 2015
Braunschweig/Germany, 8 September 2015. Barthauer Software GmbH as an internationally active software provider is presenting its innovative solutions for infrastructure and water management at the “3rd Festival dell´Acqua” as part of Expo 2015 in Milan

The “Festival dell´Acqua” being held for the third time, which counts as one of the largest and most comprehensive events related to the resource of water in Italy, will take place from October 5 to 9. Castello Sforzesco, the mighty and historic Milan castle directly behind the Expo Gate, serves as the venue. This and Castello Sforzesco constitute a spectacular gathering place for learning and sharing ideas.
The Italian and international water sector is meeting there entirely in this spirit. Planned topics include the development of the water infrastructure, water purification and water regeneration as well as smart technologies for the frugal and environmentally friendly use of water and energy. Claudia Hickmann, head of sales at BARTHAUER, will hold a presentation about experiences with the intelligent management of drinking and fresh water networks in Germany. In cooperation with the company Majone & Partners S.r.l., BARTHAUER employees are presenting current developments in the field of strategic asset management and network management. Majone & Partners S.r.l. has been the distribution partner for BARTHAUER solutions in northern Italy since 2012.
Along with eight other companies next to MAJONE & PARTNERS, a group has formed to bundle various competencies in the water sector, appearing jointly at the Festival dell´Acqua. Beatrice Majone, executive at Majone & Partners S.r.l.: “We are very pleased to have found an expert on the topic of intelligent and efficient network management with BARTHAUER. This is one of the topics which will have a fundamental impact on our future, both from an ecological and an economic perspective.”
Company profile of Barthauer Software GmbH
Barthauer Software GmbH has been developing innovative software for infrastructure and water management for more than 25 years. The company’s leading products are the database-driven network information system BaSYS and the modular Geoobjects Design Studio GeoDS for the creation of individual information systems.
In Braunschweig/Germany, BARTHAUER operates the central Support and Development Centre where highly motivated, dedicated and competent employees converge the best of engineering and 
software technology, continuously updating the software for the benefit of users.
Based in Braunschweig, the company has branches in Berlin, Potsdam, Munich and Würzburg. With qualified distribution partners and authorised trainers, the BARTHAUER partner concept ensures geographical proximity to our clients in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and other countries today. Since the entire system is compatible with any language, BARTHAUER products can be used around the world and are available in many languages already. More than 1,000 customers are successfully using BARTHAUER software.
Barthauer Software GmbH is part of the Barthauer Group.