International Congress and Exhibition Turkey & Black Sea Oil and Gas

04 ott 2022
Data: 14–15 December 2022 Place: Istanbul, Turkey

International Congress and Exhibition Turkey & Black Sea Oil and Gas is an international, professional platform, bringing together over 200 C-suite executives from vertically integrated oil companies, general directors, CTOs of oil refineries, gas processing plants and petrochemical facilities, initiators of investment projects on oil and gas extraction from Turkey and countries of the Black Sea area, officials of regulatory authorities, licensors of production technologies and world suppliers for the industry. The event enables to establish dialogue, share experience, search for solutions, and consolidate the efforts of business and government for efficient development of key O&G projects in Turkey and the Black Sea area, including the projects for construction of processing facilities.


Bronze Sponsor: Global Terminal Services.


Among the confirmed delegations led by top executives of companies: Republic of Turkey Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Raykan Trading & Construction Ltd.Co, SOCAR Turkey Refinery and Petrochemicals Business Unit, Bp Petrolleri A.?., BEK OIL, BOTA? International (BIL),Petkim Petrochemicals Holding, NOV, and many others.




  • 200+ participants – commercial and technical top managers of key companies in the O&Gsector of Turkey and the Black Sea countries as well as representatives of regulatory authorities, technological and engineering companies
  • 15+ O&Gproduction and exploration investment projects under planning, construction, expansion, and modernisation with a development timeframe 2022-2026 in the Black Sea
  • 50+ industry leaders and experts will discuss the main challenges impacting the O&Gindustry development in Turkey and the Black Sea countries
  • Strategic opening session: Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Georgia - action plan before 2030 – government cooperation, investments, and strategies of O&G facilities in these countries
  • Updates and presentation of the most promising O&Gprojects in the Black Sea countries: implementation and enhancement of investment projects
  • Round Table with top management and CFOs dedicated to financial support of the O&Gindustry of the region
  • Case studies of oil, gas, and LNG transportation and storage
  • Current challenges of the downstream Industry: the potential of refining and petrochemical plants, outlooks, and development plans
  • Improvement factor for the geological exploration in the Black Sea area: evaluation of hydrocarbon offshore fields and discussion of technical challenges
  • 30+ hours of business and informal networking. Prescheduled one-to-one meetings, welcome cocktail, business lunches, coffee breaks, interactive discussions, and a lot more


Please note that a report featuring flagship investment projects in the industry is ready. Representatives of projects traditionally take part in the event, covering project news and development prospects. Request the full list of investment projects by the link.
