Slovakia: Sensus start production of new water meter iPERL

14 mar 2016
Slovak producer of metering systems Sensus Slovakia has launched the production of a new super-modern intelligent water meter iPERL in a new production hall in its factory in Stara Tura and created a further 100 new jobs

Until now Sensus had 200 employees in Stara Tura. iPERL is an electronic device with no mechanical parts and it includes a battery and a radio through which it provides information every 15 seconds to a water company, which can quickly detect any water leaks, accidents, consumption or illegal manipulation. Moreover, consumers will be able to check their water consumption online. It was developed in Germany, costing so far several millions of euros. It took three years to develop. In the future the company plans to improve it with another sensors such as pH monitoring.The company, which is part of Sensus EME&AP and has US shareholders, plans to make 297,000 of iPERL meters annually and they will be all exported. The company says that it has secured contracts for the sale of these products for the next three years.