Trezzano sul Naviglio (Milano)

The deadline of the call for papers for the SUM 2018 Symposium, to be held in Bergamo, Italy from 21-23 May 2018, is fast approaching!
Submit your short paper (3/4 pages) by January 31st. using our online submission form on the following symposium topics:
Education & social aspects / Valorization of materials and resources / Appropriate technology for materials recovery / Economic and financial aspects / Policy and legal aspects / Tools and instruments for urban mining enhancement / Critical emergent aspects / Waste architecture and urban space / Urban mining and circular economy concepts in emerging and developing countries.
Find out more on the paper submission process and consult our full list of Symposium topics.
NetWorking Sessions (NeWs) aims to promote open discussion of new ideas and perspectives on a specific topic, policy, research or innovation between conference delegates.
Contact us with a proposal by January 31st and lead you own session.
For more details click here.
Already accepted proposals of NeWs include:
1. Management and recovery of digestate from anaerobic digestion:
The session is aimed at investigating the most sustainable techniques in order to valorize digestates from anaerobic digestion of both agro-industrial substrates and organic fraction of municipal solid waste. Read more →
2. Opportunity for increasing the anaerobic digestion of bio-waste in the perspective of the circular economy
The EC indicated the anaerobic digestion (AD) as the most suitable process for the implementation of the circular economy in the treatment of the bio-waste. By the way, for several reasons, its implementation in this sector still remain quite limited... Read more →
3. Material reuse and education
There are many benefits when we reuse items – political, commercial, social, environmental and economic. But even though reuse is a highly preferred process within the waste hierarchy, barriers and questions remain... Read more →
4. Italian session: La tariffa puntuale: Strumento per lo sviluppo della Circular Economy
La sessione affronterà il quadro legislativo e regolamentare, le modalità applicative, le nuove modalità di raccolta e misurazione dei servizi... Leggi tutto →
Registration fees include:
Participation in Symposium sessions / Proceedings / Conference materials / Wi-Fi access to the University of Bergamo network / Coffee breaks / Participation in guided technical tour (transport included) / Gala dinner.
Early bird rates and group booking discounts available! Click here
For further information please contact the Organising Secretariat

Trezzano sul Naviglio (Milano)