Since installation, the Qdos pumps have run with complete reliability, boosted precision considerably and saved thousands of pounds due to precise shade and chemical addition control and a reduction in downtime, associated with a previously deployed pump. • Improved pump reliability at niche-market paper mill • Enhanced metering accuracy delivers product confidence • Low pulsation design gives a much more stable flow
St Cuthberts Mill, a master papermaker with a heritage that can be traced back to the 1700s, has switched to Qdos pump technology from Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG) for metering substances such as pigment and starch.
Based near Wells in Somerset, St Cuthberts Mill specialises in the manufacture of high-quality artists’ papers. The company makes approximately 80 tons of paper every month using a continental shift pattern across 24/7 operations. The secret of the company’s success lies in the performance of its papers, which can be used for watercolour, printmaking or inkjet use.
“Reliability is the key to our output,” states the company’s Shift Manager Paul Tremlett. As a result, we need pumps that perform reliably, day-in, day-out.”
Until recently, St Cuthberts used a series of older peristaltic pumps, some of which were installed 20 years ago. “We wanted to move into the 21st century, and knew that the Qdos pumps could offer us a number of key advantages,” says Mr Tremlett. “For instance, the pumps can be linked to the machine’s control system, so we can change speed accordingly.
Application challenge
The company currently has two Qdos 120 pumps and two Qdos 30 models for metering of pigments and starch, with two more QDos 30 pumps on order. What’s more, all papers produced by St Cuthberts are internally sized to increase strength. This process involves the addition of a special chemical – also pumped using Qdos technology – to make the sheet stronger and eliminate any possibility of blotting effects
Qdos pumps are self-priming and reversible, so fluids can be returned to source at the end of a shift. Their design inherently reduces maintenance as operators can quickly and safely replace one component, the ReNu pumphead, without the need for tools or special skills. Cleaning times are also minimised – thus delivering further efficiencies to the St Cuthbert’s team. Crucially, from a health and safety perspective integral leak detection reduces wastage and eliminates mill operator exposure to chemicals.
“The machine crew here loves the Qdos pumps as they are so reliable; we’ve not had a single glitch even when handling the abrasive starch. The pumps offer high accuracy metering, which helps maximise trust in the product,” states Paul Tremlett.
Flow rates from 0.1 to 2000ml/min at up to 7 bar can be achieved using Qdos pumps. Importantly, simple drop-in installation eliminates the need for ancillary equipment which often brings with it further maintenance challenges and costs.
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG) è il leader mondiale nel settore di nicchia delle pompe peristaltiche e delle tecnologie di dosaggio dei liquidi correlate. Con alla base un'esperienza di quasi 60 anni nel fornire soluzioni di engineering e processo e oltre un milione di pompe installate in tutto il mondo, i nostri prodotti sono ben collaudati e di funzionamento garantito.
WMFTG è una società consociata interamente controllata da Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (LSE: SPX), una multinazionale con circa 4.800 dipendenti in tutto il mondo. Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group comprende nove marchi affermati, ognuno con la sua area di specializzazione, ma che nel loro complesso offrono ai clienti un ventaglio impareggiabile di soluzioni per le applicazioni legate alle pompe:
- Watson-Marlow Pumps: pompe a tubi peristaltici per l'industria biofarmaceutica e di processo
- Watson-Marlow Tubing: tubi di precisione per operazioni di pompaggio e altri impieghi, in una varietà di materiali
- Bredel: pompe a tubo flessibile di portata e pressione elevata
- Alitea: soluzioni peristaltiche uniche per il mercato OEM
- Flexicon: sistemi di riempimento e tappatura asettici
- MasoSine: pompe sinusoidali ad azione delicata per applicazioni del settore alimentare, chimico e cosmetico
- BioPure: sistemi monouso avanzati di connettori per tubi
- Asepco: valvole asettiche per l'industria biofarmaceutica
- FlowSmart: guarnizioni sanitarie ad alta purezza, tubi di trasferimento al silicone e tubi in silicone rinforzati per l'industria biofarmaceutica
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group è una società internazionale con sede a Falmouth, Cornovaglia, nel Regno Unito. Watson-Marlow Fluid |Technology Group dispone di uffici in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgio, Brasile, Cile, Cina, Canada, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, India, Italia, Giappone, Corea del Sud, Malesia, Messico, Olanda, Nuova Zelanda, Polonia, Russia, Sharja EAU, Singapore, Sud Africa, Svezia, Svizzera Taiwan, Stati Uniti e Vietnam.